Natural Abalone Shell Necklace

Sale price Regular price $36.00


A shell of charismatic colors that slot in the beauty of the sea is none other than an Abalone shell. Known to be a scale of living animals, it is deep-rooted in the vitality of the ocean along with the power of the living creature. It likewise has a strong connection with nature and mother earth, so Abalone's healing properties come from nature, including earth. It is linked with the water's heartiness, which helps the holder carry the sea's gentleness and beauty. By providing stillness in the emotions, it further holds love along with compassion for the people around.

Abalone for countless ages is believed to carry the spiritual oomph with it. Traditionally known to be the beautiful ocean's ears, it is used for offering prayers to the divine. On an innate echelon, it facilitates to excite the psychic growth and intuition while promoting the supremacy of imagination. It likewise has a gentle pulsation that rallies around to unruffled the emotions during deep healing. On the other hand, it is too believed to prop up the augmentation of the Self sensitively. Acknowledged as a gift of the sea to the living soul, it is predisposed to create the direct nexus with the spirit. It is too known to provide corrective reinforcement to the emotional being.

Identified to belong from a mollusk family, it is fairly cozy to clutch as it vibes out the soothing energy to its holder. It is known to deal fruitfully with stressful situations of its carrier. It furthermore helps in eradicating the feeling of anxiety. Physically, it aids in curing joint problems, muscular issues, heart troubles, and the digestive system.


ABALONE USE IN FENG SHUI:                                   

Traditionally, it is used in Feng Shui's practice; it is used as a Smudging bowl to burn astuteness as an excellent water element. The muted multihued colors of this splendid shell tend to augment Concord's feelings, loveliness, concern, and love. Wearing this abalone necklace helps the wearer in solving the challenging emotional issues he is facing. It is too known to pacify the nerves furthermore heartens a calm deportment. It also helps to softly open the psychic and instinctive relationships with the surrounding world.

It is further known to be an admirable companion when requiring direction in kinships. It is too believed to develop the power of communication, collaboration, vow, and concession in the holder, which further leads to accord and poise. Abalone Shell is historically also known to improve expression in actions along with the words the wearer speaks. It moreover permits the carrier to comprehend the issues faced by others. It lets the holder’s beauty through his heart in the aura he carries. It is best for the holder if going through the upsetting experiences of life.