The Pi Yao is recognized as a potent Cure and Enhancer all around the world. This mystical good luck creature is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon, whose task is to provide the blessings of good finance and wealth luck. The Pi Yao also has a unique look and is a combination of various animals. It has the face of a lion-dog and a single horn. It has 4 legs and hooves, as well as a tail and tiny wing.

Pi Yao is a very loyal creature and will always attempt to rid its owners' life of bad luck and replace it with wealth luck. A fascinating fact about this creature is that it does not have an anus, so that, despite its never-ending appetite, things go in yet never come out. This is a unique symbolism, indicating that money will come to you but never leave.


The Chinese people call it “fortune beast.” The Pixiu is both ferocious and powerful, so it works as a security guard of Heaven, resisting demons and ghosts. The Pixiu brings happiness good luck for people and has an exorcising function. It's a powerful Chinese talisman to bring riches into the home or workplace. Pixiu is a ferocious animal and has a strong will in protecting its master. Perhaps even more important is the notion that this creature will not permit wealth to leave your establishment.

Pi Xiu is especially popular among business people, investors, and gamblers in Asia. It is known as a dominant attractor of money.